We care about you and your health, that’s why we’re sharing 6 ways to show your heart some true love! Your heart beats about 100,000 times every…single…day. Talk about an overachiever! This intricate, hardworking organ shows you love 24/7 by, well…keeping you alive. Isn’t it about time you repaid the favour?
1. Move what your mama gave you
The benefits of exercise when it comes to your health are endless. Exercise can help to:
- Lower your blood pressure
- Control / maintain a healthy weight
- Slow the development of diabetes
- Reduce inflammation
- Reduce stress
- Prevent heart disease
2. Whole foods for the win!
Dear processed foods and excess salt, “It’s not me, it’s YOU!”
Studies have shown that if you prepare your food from scratch, you’re more likely to eat healthy foods. So fuel your body with fresh ingredients, whole grains, and healthy fats because you’re worth it!
3. Check yourself before you wreck yourself
Managing blood cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes can help to prevent heart disease and stroke. That’s why it’s so important to get these checked regularly and always know your numbers.
4. Ditch the sticks
Your heart will thank you for not smoking! This one isn’t anything you haven’t heard before. Being smoke free is one of the best things you can do to protect your heart.
5. Catch some
A good night’s sleep may be the cure to a crabby mood, but that’s not all it’s good for. Good, quality sleep can actually help lower your risk for cardiovascular disease. Try aiming for the lucky number 7(hours)…get 8 and you hit the jackpot!
6. Tune-up time
Stress is to your heart what kryptonite is to a certain superhero. Avoid it like the plague (easier said than done, we know!). The key is to identify your stressors and then find ways to counteract them. Take time to unplug your mind, recharge your body and do the things that bring you joy with the people you love the most.
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- Health and wellness