T3 and RJ 16 slips will be issued to policyholders of segregated funds to report allocations from the fund, which may include realized capital gains or losses arising from changes in the fund’s holdings (e.g. individual stocks to ETF) or from the policyholder’s redemption of units in the fund. Please consult an independent tax advisor if you deem it necessary.
Fund name | Fund code |
ivari U.S. Equity Index GIF | ULCIG |
ivari TD Income Advantage GIF | TDIAD |
ivari TD Dividend Income GIF | TDDI3 |
ivari TD Dividend Balanced GIP | TDDBA |
ivari CI Canadian Balanced GIP | TCBP3 |
Equity Fund 2 | SEGA2 |
Equity Fund | SEG-A |
ivari Quotential Growth GIF | QTGRG |
ivari Quotential Balanced Income GIF | QTBIC |
ivari Quotential Balanced Growth GIF | QTBGR |
ivari CI Growth GIP | OGP3 |
ivari CI Conservative GIP | OCP3 |
ivari CI Balanced GIP | OBP3 |
ivari CI Maximum Growth GIP | OAP3 |
Canadian 35 Index | LTSEF |
Canadian 35 Index Fund 4 | LTSE4 |
Canadian 35 Index Fund 3 | LTSE3 |
Canadian 35 Index Fund 2 | LTSE2 |
Can-Global Bond Fund | LGLBQ |
Can-Global Bond Fund 3 | LGLB3 |