There’s an old saying…“If you don’t know where you’re going, how are you going to know when you get there?” This is true for most things in life and particularly true when it comes to your business. Often, success comes down to good planning and goalsetting. By setting clear and achievable goals, you will feel in control of your business as it grows and thrives.
Goalsetting for your business is not a “once-and-done” thing. Goals should be revisited regularly, rather than just when you are establishing your business. Goals are important to give you direction, give you a way to monitor your progress and, ultimately, to hold you accountable to your commitments.
Here are some tips for creating goals to help build your business.
Get started
If you think of goal setting as difficult or intimidating, try to think of it as simply stating what it is you want your business to accomplish. Do you want to double your sales this year? Maybe you want to reach out to three new markets by the end of the first quarter? Or perhaps you want to bring on two new sales associates before yearend?
Notice how some of these are short-term goals and some are long-term goals? Also, notice how some of these are small goals and some are larger in focus. Your goalsetting should include a good mix of short-term, long-term, big and small goals. This way you’ll have ongoing achievements to celebrate as well as things to look forward to in the future.
Create SMART goals
No, we’re not just talking about being intelligent. SMART is an acronym, which stands for goals that are:
For example…By March 31 (S/T), I will create an Instagram account and post content relevant to my business three times per week. (M/A/R).
Commit to your goals
Think of your goals as living, breathing things. Don’t just create them and then forget about them! They need attention and encouragement. Revisit your goals regularly to check in on your progress and make adjustments, if required.
Celebrate your achievements
Give yourself permission to celebrate when you reach a goal! This is not only fun but a way to keep yourself engaged and motivated to reach each and every goal you set for yourself and your business.
While it takes some time to think about and plan out your goals, in the long run, it is going to help you better take control of your business. And don’t forget—goalsetting should be a part of your larger business plan. To learn more about creating a business plan, check out Creating a business plan that works for your business.
Further reading:
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- Business development